John Morales in conversation with Audio Culture on Mixcloud


John Morales joins Mixcloud Head Of Community, Xanthe Fuller, in conversation for ‘Audio Culture’ in Soho Radio’s London basement.

If you grew up in the ‘80s and found yourself listening to music or dancing in a club chances are you were familiar, perhaps unwittingly, with the work of John Morales.

On the radio, in the record racks and most importantly on the dance floor John’s work making remixes and medleys, predominantly with studio partner Sergio Munzibai, helped define an era and influence future generations of DJ’s producers and artists.

In this fourth edition of Audio Culture, Mixcloud’s Head of Community Xanthe Fuller chats to John Morales about his career and the ever changing role of the DJ.

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Check out M+M Mixes Vol.4, available to pre-order here.