Speakeasy Sideshow is the project of Tom Everett. Tom (Speakeasy) was the main vocalist for Aotearoa hip hop group Kolab from 2005 to 2012, and Speakeasy Sideshow is the latest example of his work. The sound of Speakeasy Sideshow has been described as laid back on albums, but for live gigs the beats on songs used a often more up tempo, as Speakeasy has been rocking parties/ Clubs/ Festivals for nigh on ten years.

Gig History of Speakeasy

Gigs; Support for De La Soul (2008), MC for J star (2009), Support for Lyrics Born in Brisbane (2009) Rhythm and Vines (2009) Baywatch (2009), Support for Akil Auckland (Jurassic 5, 2010) Big Day Out (2010), Support for TI at Galatos (2010), Support for Pete Rock (Highlife 2012). Rugby Word Cup Final in Auckland 2012. Pharcyde afterparty at Rakinos (2013). Moon Money Europe tour 2014.

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